our shooting principles are endorsed by the Northwest's largest guide School

"I had no experience at shooting beyond 200 yards before coming to class. After the course I have no problem hitting out to 800 yards. Even 1250 yards PLUS consistently.
Jason and Jordan from 406 Precision are top notch. They took extra time with students that needed it and challenged all to shoot beyond what we thought capable and effective to. The instruction was invaluable to understand the DOPE and get on target at long ranges.
Next trip will be to put the skills learned to test. Hopefully we can come back to Montana for a mule deer/elk hunt next fall."
"I was one of the novices at class, having never shot over 100 yds in my life. I didn't realize how important the classroom sessions would be until the last day of class. At first, we were all very eager to shoot, but you guys really stressed the importance of understanding the variables that go into each shot and we spent some significant time learning before we pulled a trigger.
I would say that all paid off when on the last day, I was able to successfully take a 950 yd cold bore shot - followed up with a 1280 yard impact on the steel on my first try. Now, conditions were great, and obviously there was a little luck involved for a newbie like me, but all the classroom time was put to good use. I'm hooked!!
All these guys made the weekend very enjoyable, and they are all guys I would call friends. Definitely ready for one of those Montana prairie dog hunts!"
"406 is worth the $$ for the class. It's that simple! Every individual I hosted earlier this year has expressed wanting to attend in another class in the future."
"...rarely do I come away from guys weekends with new skills and knowledge. Looking forward to a much needed reunion sometime in Montana to test my skills on your prairie dog hunt!!"
"The accommodations were top notch at Elmore Stock Farms. I will definitely be back to challenge myself and my equipment to 1700 yards."
"I really appreciate the patience the 406 team had with all of us, and our never ending questions about setups and certain hardware. Your knowledge about long range shooting and weapons in general is impressive."
"Thanks again for all of your help and instruction this weekend… that was incredible!! I really enjoyed our group…certainly a weekend I will never forget! Cant wait to look you guys up in Montana and hopefully check out a prairie dog hunt in the near future!! Thanks again to your crew, the food and experience were top notch!"
"...it was a great day all around. We started off in the shop and went through the proper procedure of mounting the scope, then off the range to sight it in and then we finished up by shooting distance. The scenery was incredible and the instruction was thorough and easy to follow. Jordan has a knack for teaching and the knowledge to compliment it.
"Jason & Jordan are very down to earth guys who enjoy sharing a serious passion with fellow shooters. Their class is highly entertaining to say the least. I recently had a conversation with Jason about hosting another 406 class on my property next year if you're interested. I can't really share any details as it is still in the "idea" phase but we are discussing a class for the more advanced shooters."